Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Agricola is almost perfect

I finally busted open my copy of Agricola the other day. There was just one problem with it: no blue player family members! I e-mailed Z man games to see if I can get a replacement.

I played a five-player game with some new players (family version). I went the meat route with an early Hearth, which ironically I didn't really use till phase three abouts. Guess that turn could've been spent doing something more useful. I ended that one with 35 points.

Then I played a solo game, which I found is much harder. I never got past three family members (but did have a stone house), and never even played an occupation. There always seemed like there was a better option on the board. I think I ended that game with 28 or so points. I must play more solo games until I don't suck any more.